Come Visit And Worship With Us
Allendale United Methodist Church
3803 Haines Road North
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33703 – 727.527.6694
Sunday Worship – 10:30 AM

Overview of Worship at Allendale
Hospitality & Greeting
When you enter the church greeters are located just inside the doors of the church to welcome everyone. The greeters have bulletins which list our order of service and important information about programs and events at the church. The greeters are there to assist our visitors in any way. If you have questions please feel free to ask our greeters.
Child Care
Allendale makes child care available for children infants through 5 years old. Our greeters and ushers will be happy to direct you to the nursery. Parents are responsible for checking their children in and checking them out following the service. While child care is available to all parents, those who want their children to stay with them throughout the service are welcome and encouraged to do so. Children are always welcome at Allendale!
Allendale celebrates the diversity of God’s gifts and people. One area that we celebrate diversity is through the various styles of music. Allendale celebrates it all! In a worship service you can expect to be led in a variety of worship styles led by acoustic piano, guitar, pipe organ, and other instruments. The broad diversity of music styles helps us realize that the celebration of God’s grace cannot be limited to just one style and that everyone can learn to celebrate and appreciate all that God’s people have to offer. Everyone is welcome to praise God as they desire. There is no one way to offer praise so you are invited to offer yourself in praise as you feel comfortable.
We want you to be comfortable in worship. From suits and dresses to shorts and t-shirts everyone is welcome at Allendale. The important part is that we don’t judge others based on the way they dress but invite everyone to come as they feel comfortable. Our Sanctuary is kept at 72°F during worship.
Live Stream
Our worship services are streamed live online. We invite you to take a look at our service online to get an idea of what our church looks and sounds like. We also have an archive of past worship services available.
Scripture Reading
Allendale follows the Lectionary reading cycle. The Lectionary offers designated text for communal reading every week. The Lectionary includes an Old Testament reading, Epistle (letter) reading, and the Gospel reading for the day. The Lectionary Reading Cycle runs for three years and covers over 80% of the passages found in the Bible. Since there are three readings every Sunday the designated text being used for the sermon can be found in the bulletin. Occasionally, Allendale will break away from the designated Lectionary texts for special services. We read from The Inclusive Bible translation.
The sermon is the time when the pastor or guest preacher gets up to speak more intentionally about a designated text or texts. The sermon offers proclamation and illumination on the text. At Allendale, the sermon is usually given from the floor in front of the congregation.
Get Connected…
Allendale United Methodist Church is a community of seekers, followers, and doubters committed to experience life together in order to love God, do justice, and change the world. Will you join us in this revolution?